This blood which has disappeared without leaving a trace isn't part of written history: who will guide me to it? --Faiz Ahmed Fai...

Unwritten History: Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Gabriel García Márquez || Azfar Hussain

7:38 AM Editor 0 Comments

This blood which has disappeared
without leaving a trace isn't part
of written history: who will guide me to it?
--Faiz Ahmed Faiz

The above lines by Faiz make me think of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's _One Hundred Years of Solitude_--of that moment of unwritten history when the actual event of killing three thousand workers was brutally and institutionally denied and erased! Garcia Marquez speaks of that moment thus:

"There must have been three thousand of them," he murmured.


"The dead," he clarified, "it must have been all of the people who were at the station."

The woman measured him with a pitying look. "There haven't been any dead here," she said.

And Garcia Marquez adds:

[...] and by a decision of the court it was established and set down in solemn decrees that the workers did not exist.


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